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5 Questions To Determine If Your Boyfriend Is Marriage Material


But there are times when the giver will need to receive. Somebody could be beautiful, funny, a pleasure to be around, and even be active in their church but still not be good marriage material. Constantly starting drama with him is also a means to gain reassurance from him about how he feels.

The Most Important Question in Love and Emotional Growth

When I thought about it, I realized I was being a big baby about things if I didn’t get my way. I had to learn to have a conversation even when something started to bother me. One day, my husband brought up “living wills.” Huh? He wanted to know we’d be taken care of contractually if one of us passes.

Part of being a good partner involves sharing things about yourself and listening and learning more about your partner. This emotional give-and-take helps foster a deeper, more intimate connection between two people. A good partner is one who is willing to be open and share emotions in a steady, level-headed way. A surprising way to tell if your boyfriend is husband material is to observe how he fights with you. According to marriage expert Dr. John Gottman (via Verily), respectfully fighting with your partner is healthy.

Any defeat represents future vulnerability, however, women do need to be careful and wise — that’s simply the nature of addiction. Women, be wary of allowing a man to rush you into marriage in hopes that this will take his struggle away. Marry a healthy man who wants to have an intimate, mutually satisfying sexual relationship not a man who wants to use you to overcome a habit that he hasn’t been able to cure on his own. A study listed kindness as one of the top two qualities contributing to marital happiness, and I believe it. Bodies may deteriorate, mental functioning may slow down, beauty may fade, but a kind person usually becomes kinder. Your happiness will increase if you marry a kind person.

Signs The Person You’re Dating Is ‘Marriage Material’

If you’ve never taken a close look at how your partner measures up to the standard criteria, here’s a quick list. It’s easier to focus on the positive traits because that’s the best way to make sense of it all. You don’t want to think about their negative qualities. And give yourself one more tool to move toward marriage, join this free webinar to learn how to attract “the one” you’ve always wanted.

Marry Him: He Has Dealt With His Baggage

But I guarantee you those are not happy relationships. Starting drama is usually a plea for attention which comes from—you guessed it— deep insecurity. Maybe you flip out at him over something minor, maybe you trash talk his friends or yours, maybe you just always have an issue or a complaint. You need his attention, whether it’s positive or negative. You play what I call emotional detective, constantly gathering and analyzing clues to see how he feels. You think you’re protecting yourself, you think that this is helpful, but really you’re just pushing him further away.

I had never had that discussion with a boyfriend before. As we talked about it, I sat at the table with tears flowing down my face at the thought of one of us dying and leaving the other. They flooded up, so I left no stone unturned. I guess I was terrified of making the wrong decision.

It’s frustrating having a wife who is never wrong. Ask men who have been there and they would tell you it’s obviously very frustrating. So if you have a girlfriend who is never wrong but always right, then she isn’t a wife material. You don’t want to be with a wife who never admits to being wrong.

So if he does not have the guts to do that, he’s still a child on the inside and not marriage material in the least. And one of the biggest signs of that is this–he listens when you speak and pays attention. So if your guy cannot respect that (or you), it’s best to ditch him fast and never turn back. If he’s got you feeling like a “thing” rather than a person, it’s a big deal. Fights are inevitable in every relationship, be it with your sister, your parents, or your partner. But what separates the healthy relationships from the toxic ones is the way both individuals do the tango.

This Is Your Sign To Try The 75 Soft Challenge

They might set you up on a blind date to meet a girl, which can be uncomfortable. Take a risk, though, by agreeing to the blind date. Think of it as an opportunity to meet someone new and interesting. You may have a very particular idea about what kind of woman you’re attracted to.

Communicate and be ready to share your life with your partner. You may have always had a list of qualities that you want to see in your relationship with another person. If you are looking for how to become marriage material, you need to step outside yourself for a moment. Are you able to be there – emotionally and physically – when your one true love needs you?

At the same time, women who go after damage cases usually have a fair degree of damage of their own. You can’t connect with someone who isn’t there. If you are only engaging with your own worried thoughts, you can’t possibly connect with him on a real level so it’s no surprise that things will quickly fizzle out. Being vulnerable in a relationship means letting your partner see you without reservation.

But it’s more than just being your boyfriend for years. There’s a certain something that makes him feel like you would make an excellent wife…and maybe mother to his children. Marriage Material is a fun, quick, and anonymous tool to help you learn about and improve your relationship by taking short, fun quizzes, developed by a team of relationship experts! To help you out, here are 8 important signs to look for that indicate the person you’re dating may be the one and is ready to get married.

He will try to accept and get along with anybody who matters to you because he wants you to be happy. He might not see eye to eye with some of your friends or family members but will put aside his differences and still treat them well. He doesn’t mind spending the weekend watching old movies with you. But, he is also open to trying out new things with you. If he’s still living with his parents and doesn’t plan to move out any time soon, he needs to step up his game.